Saturday, 5 April 2014

90. Meet You at the Obelisk, Then?

All this shaken material
- can’t you hear the crunch of angels’ footsteps
maybe just the tinklings of continuing dilapidation?

Hopeful & dirty
we’ll blunder out of this cave
& blink in astonishment
at this silver light

. . .  not real
but you are
& sometimes we

Justice should be noisy
- louder than the crash
of all our collapsing

Insieme la nostra speranza e la nostra maledizione: la positività vestigiale

Most of life here now:
a rapid montage of broken objects

“What we call the present is the point of emergence of each thing into everything, the terrain where the constant passage into relations, the coming of things to life, is occurring.”
Hejinian (2000), p 373

This town & this city
- built on moraines & riverine detritus
on splintered stone & muck
odd, errant pudding-stones here

Old Sawney’s Head this Hallowe’en
- glowing golden & toothless now

So it comes to a stop
but won’t the stop end?

1 comment:

  1. “la positività vestigiale”: the phrase “vestigial positivity” I owe to Danny Hayward’s talk, “How to be Dominated, or, Night Thoughts on Poetry and World History”, at Intercapillary Places – October, October 25, at Parasol unit gallery, 14 Wharf Road N1. For more details see
