Monday, 31 March 2014

85. And Where We’re to at Being, Then

As the possibilities for capital’s expansion of profit shrivel
Through fraud, rivalry & the running out of all resources
One above all remains – the mass of population. Sell them
Into slavery again & again

Each time let them pay the price for themselves in full. Let
Every expectation be removed of how we can escape this.
This is the end of history as the few crush us all. They’ll
Falter incapably.

Each ripped tendril of our shared humanity unshared will shrivel.
Our future drifts en masse across rubble & filthy silt, resource
-less in every sense: small-scale coteries of Sawney Beanes them
-selves lost for ever again.

And again. Can we think or act how to get out of this utter abjection?
Rioting & burning are only the beginning, the need to refuse & probably kill
Every gated development, public school, private clinic & financial instrument
Until burning, burning, burning
      the rawness of our wounds
      still stabbing, stories
      of resistance in the borderlands
      only together
      only a part, this part
      of what must be opened
      the true book
      of our final history
      which shall otherwise
      remain unwritten ever.

Sunday, 30 March 2014

84. Glistening Pearls of Wisdom from off the Duck’s Back

Offa’s first list for an easy & familiar start:
Eat the rich, or eat the poor – which?
Are you ready, or are in the way?
What will you learn next?
What excuses are your pleasures?
And what are you to at being?

Careful operations with corrosive books:
“The Secrets of the Amorites” - do you want to know them?
“Charlie Marks’s ‘The Capital’” – tragedy, comedy, satire, fantasy, whatever?
“How Delicate Is the Lord?” – time to test it.
“Writing about Rioting” – study, learn, write or riot right?
“A Short History of the Macedonian Problem” – if you cut things up you get small bits, and so on, for ever.
“Offa’s Secret Garden” – discover this erotic parvis, somewhere lost in greenest Staffordshire.

Shoe Miss Adrienne – a Mercian rhymerie:
Twains are all the remains of stains
Shares all our affairs amongst the Khmers
Slapped ‘n papped ‘n trapped
Flatulence & feculence broke the silence
Another’s brother is a smother
Offa the Scoffer, the Quaffer, the Cougher
- What next shall she proffer?

To create at last a real feast
To be books of no unfashionable pragmatic don’t
To feel in this
To be children together
To taste how
To be that simple
To do this again
To cook and share
To ride upon the wave
To start but learn next where we’re to at being
To offer up some hope in this despite
To make these disputed borderlands our home
To write in play & labour here

Saturday, 29 March 2014

83. OK, So Children Together

OK so    must ready               then call
         easy & familiar    start
but          & learn            next
   we’re to        at                   being

       careful operations within corrosive books
         whatever         at one             says
       knows); but       delicate           enough
   ride upon the              wave        history

    do this         again 
cook share what      do              others! heal
      be trapped; don’t    silent
          the other head of all

Be               books of           no
             unfashionable    pragmatic – don’t
feel        in               this –
create at last    real            feast
                                             children together

Friday, 28 March 2014

82. What Offa Offers As Advice to Us All

OK so we must remember birthdays, then
– that’s easy & familiar to start us off
but improve & learn on failure next time
if we’re to arrive at shared & luscious being

Next’s careful operations within separate bowls
fierce as whatever legend at one time (Offa says
& she knows); but also delicate & careful enough
to ride upon the irrevocable wave of our history

You do this again & again and
you share what you do always with others!
don’t be trapped; don’t be silent
this is the foundation of all true society

Be inspired by books of practice no
matter how unfashionable & pragmatic – don’t
feel guilt in anything of this – help
create at last a real & humane feast
                                     dear children